AT2035 Vs AT4040: Which is Better?

AUDIO TECHNICA AT4040 and AT2035 Microphones

Two of the most popular condenser microphones of Audio Technica are the AT2035 and the AT2040. These two microphones are professional-grade microphones that are great choices if you are looking for a condenser microphone that you can use for recording and broadcasting. Both share some … Read more

Best Room Microphones for Live Recording

Mic set up for recording live performance in room.

If the time ever comes when you need to mic a room, you’ll undoubtedly want to know which room mics are the best. You see, while there are several mics available for capturing live recording in a room, not all of them may give you … Read more

Can I Use Condenser Microphone Without Phantom Power?

Using Condenser mic without phantom power.

Whether you enjoy recording as a hobby or you’re setting out as a professional, you’ll find that a microphone is a crucial piece of equipment. Of course, you’ll also quickly discover that there are numerous types of mics from which you can choose. However, the … Read more

How To Sing And Dance At The Same Time

Female dancing and singing on stage.

You may be one of those adoring fans of Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Timberlake, Janet Jackson, Usher, Madonna, and Beyonce, and you know that these artists are bankable artists. They also got charismatic characters that make them a big draw wherever they perform. Yet, … Read more

Band Banter: Things To Say on Stage Between Songs

Band singer interact and talk with audience.

If you are an inexperienced band vocalist, you may not think much of band banter as necessary to your performance. But once you start feeling fidgety and nervous on stage during those short breaks, unable to break the dead silence in-between songs, you may soon … Read more

Buffer Size For Recording Vocals

A female singer is recording vocal tracks in the studio.

While buffer size is not the rocket science of audio recording, it can be a technical concept to understand. Most people say that it’s because it is mostly abstract. But, not to worry, with proper insight, you’ll see the applications of buffer size when recording … Read more

Why Does My Singing Sound Like Talking?

Singer paused during singing performance.

One of our readers sent us an email asking an interesting question, “Why My Singing Sounds Like Talking?“. And decided to write an article to specifically answer this question. Marty Rubin once remarked: “You don’t need a reason to sing.” But what if your singing … Read more

Beatbox Sounds List (Basic and Advanced)


Every skill you would like to develop requires you to start with the fundamentals. Similarly, if you want to learn and eventually become an expert beatboxer, you need to know the essential sound list of beatboxing. Once you’ve learned the basic beatboxing sounds, you can … Read more

How to Practice Beatboxing for Beginners

Singer practising beatboxing skills.

A young friend of mine asked me a year ago after our gig about how I learned to beatbox. I curtly replied that I’ve learned beatboxing by observation, tutorial, and practice. I gained mastery of beatboxing a couple of decades ago when there was no … Read more

How To Choose Songs For Beginner Singers (Female)

Beginner female singer singing an easy song.

In a musical world characterized by a mishmash of music genres and beautiful songs, how can you zero in on the right songs if you are a beginner female singer? Well, this may be one of the questions occupying your mind as an aspiring artist … Read more

How to Sing Better as a Female Singer?

Young women singing to improve her singing voice.

Have you ever wondered what you would become as a female singer if you could only push your singing level a notch higher? I guess you have not yet given this a careful thought. But suppose you make that extra effort to enhance your voice, … Read more

How To Breathe While Singing Fast Song

Band Performing fast song.

If you are a frequent visitor to KTV bars, you will often listen to bar singers who would venture to sing a fast-paced song and end up running out of breath. It makes you want to guffaw or chuckle on your seat. Yet, had these … Read more

How To Position PA Speakers Correctly

PA system PA loud speakers setting and placement positions.

Quite frankly, the PA speakers’ placement plays a critical role in how your PA system would sound in a venue. Even if you are going to utilize innovative compressors, signal processors, and limiters, if you don’t position the PA speakers at the right spots, chances … Read more

How To Set Up A Mixer for Live Sound

Setting mixer for live sound.

Have you ever tried figuring out how the different audio inputs from various instruments and mics onstage come out of the loudspeakers balanced and pleasant to listen to? If you have, you’re not alone, for when I was a bit younger, I also had been … Read more

What Is A Good DB & SPL for Speakers?

Sound system speakers.

Do you know that booming sound Waves can damage your ears and may cause permanent or temporary hearing loss? I was researching this fact a couple of months ago to understand sounds and the excellent dB for speakers. Of course, sound waves come in decibels … Read more

Do Dynamic Microphones Need Phantom Power? [Answered]

Dynamic mic with phantom power cable.

A question I get asked a lot by newbie home studio owners is about whether dynamic microphones need phantom power. They are wary that their dynamic microphones might get damaged if their mixing desks do not have a switchable phantom power for each mic channel. … Read more

Best Settings For Blue Yeti Microphone [Expert Guide]

Optimal Blue Yeti configuration,settings and adjustments for better sound quality.

The Blue Yeti’s settings should be adjusted for the specific recording environment. But in general, choosing a cardioid pickup pattern, setting the gain to an appropriate level, using a pop filter, and having a strategic microphone placement can all contribute to high-quality recordings. Finding the … Read more

Who Are The Famous Baritone Singers? [Answered]

Top baritone singer performing live.

The other day, my bandmates were watching Elvis Presley’s concert for a change, and could not help but wonder at the extraordinary appeal and power of his voice and stage presence. “This guy is the complete package,” my bassist quipped. I replied that Elvis also … Read more

8 Famous Bass Singers of All Time [Opera 2025]

List of popular bass singers in classical opera music.

So, you have a very low deafening voice, and you hate it because it makes you sound like thunder or a gong. Given a chance, you would have exchanged it for the voice of the likes of Michael Jackson or Freddie Mercury. Yet, your voice … Read more

Adele: Vocal Range [Singing Voice & Strengths]

Adele singing on stage.

Vocal Range: C3 to E5 to C6 (D6) Vocal Type: Mezzo-Soprano (3 octaves) So you’ve listened to Adele’s songs, and you’ve felt the angst and emotions of her voice. You could only wonder how she could deliver such powerful renditions of her songs that made … Read more

How To Relax Your Throat When Singing

Singer singing happily in relaxing mode.

Humans have the vocal cords (vocal folds or voice reeds) that consist of folds of tissues located in the throat. These folds of tissues are responsible for creating sounds via vocalization. The vocal folds’ size affects the voice pitch. The health of the vocal cords … Read more

Different Types of Singing Groups in Music Industry

singing groups

As a former band lead vocalist, I can say without any reservation that establishing a singing group or a band is difficult. It is like trying to put together different types of personalities, and your only commonality is that you love classical music. You often … Read more