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Have you ever wondered what you would become as a female singer if you could only push your singing level a notch higher? I guess you have not yet given this a careful thought. But suppose you make that extra effort to enhance your voice, you might end up being the new internet singing sensation. Well, if you are already gifted with a pleasant voice, then all you need is to hone your singing skill further to enhance your singing voice.
Of course, enhancing your singing voice does not come without extra effort on your part. At the onset, you need to learn the different singing exercises. Besides, you would need to change some singing habits that you have grown used to. If you’re desirous of improving your singing as a female singer, you can read on and learn the simple guides and techniques you can use to enhance your female singing voice.
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Guides and Techniques Female Can Use To Sing Better
There is no exact percentage as to how many females around the world can sing well. But there is a rough estimate of how many females can sing in perfect or absolute pitch, which is around one to five per 10,000 females. So, it means that there are very few people who could indeed sing in perfect pitch. But singing in perfect pitch is not the only criterion to become a successful female singer. It will help if you would learn the following tips and techniques to improve your voice:
1) Choose the Musical Style that Fits your Voice
If you are aching to become a pop singer, you may think that enrolling in a music conservatory might be a wise decision. However, being trained in classical music might be counterproductive to your desire to make a name as a pop singer. Unless you want to become a classical singer, it is not advisable to immerse yourself in classical vocal training. It will help if you decide beforehand which music genre you would like to thrive in. Then, train yourself in that music genre.
2) Strengthen Your Voice and Your Vocal Cords for Powerful Singing
To improve yourself in singing, you need to flex your vocal muscles for higher and more powerful singing. Your vocal folds or cords are the primary organ of your body that create your voice. Vocal muscles support these vocal folds. Moreover, other body organs—like the lungs, diaphragm, mouth, and nasal cavities—contribute to your voice’s production.
It will help to train your vocal muscles so that they can support your voice well. It will also help if you sing harder to strengthen the right vocal muscles. When you practice, aim to reach the high notes with a solid tone. Then, polish your high notes. With constant practice, you can strengthen your vocal muscles and render a solid tone when singing.
3) Correct Belting for Female Singer
As a vocal coach, it is my task to solve the issues that hound my female clients whenever they belt high notes. I also need to identify the tensions that cause constrictions and limiting power. The first thing that I do to help them out is to figure out whether they are breathing correctly. Do they lock their diaphragm inside their ribcage when they are breathing while singing? I also identify the postural issues that may affect their breathing and singing.
The path to solving these lingering issues include vocal strengthening, correct positioning of the tongue, with the tongue down and the soft palate up. It also includes proper body alignment, which implies standing with right feet positions, tuck pelvis, shoulders back and down, and chin tucked in and down slightly. I also teach them about the point of appoggio or the point where there is maximum muscular tension when belting, and diaphragmic breathing.
Issues Hounding the Female Voice
Being a vocal coach, I have become acquainted myself with the issues and problems that hound female singers. Some of these issues are usually rooted in the following factors:
1) Not Knowing the Demand for a Music Style!
Many singers who have undergone music training are trained in classical music by a classical teacher. Classical teachers infuse their classical know-how on their students, inculcating the value of operatic sound and how to produce it.
Classical music training, of course, is not the best training you can have if you are desirous of becoming a pop singer. Classical female voice training usually focuses on improving head voice and falsetto, which you would seldom use when singing pop music.
So, if you would ask a classical singer like Amy Nuttall or Lea Salonga, for example, to sing a pop song, you could never expect her to give the song a pop rendition, for she was trained in musical theatre and classical music.
The point is, if you intend to become a pop star, it will help look for a singing program that trains pop singers. Fortunately, you will find many singing programs online that focus on pop singing training.
2) Excessive Air While Singing
If you have not trained in the correct vocal technique, chances are, you will sing with a soft, airy tone, especially when you tackle the high notes. You would also tend to get nervous when you reach the high notes.
But when you are anxious, you tend to squeeze your abs harder, so you pump excessive air along your vocal folds. The result is a floating and airy high note. It will help to store this helpful info in your brain—that high notes should take reduced air to sing.
3) Limiting Belief
It’s not unusual for any person to have a limiting belief that pulls a person down. This limiting belief prevents a person from achieving his full potential. One such limiting belief is the Belief that your vocal range is predetermined. As such, you can no longer expand your vocal range through practice and vocal exercise.
I have taught many students who have excellent singing talents. But because of the limiting beliefs they bear in their minds, their voice improvement got restricted. I have also encountered a talented classical music singer who preaches that the vocal range is already fixed from the onset of birth. If you would paraphrase what she is saying, she is merely saying that she could do nothing to expand her vocal capability.
4) Lack of Self Confidence
As mentioned above, beliefs can be very limiting. Because of the lack of self-confidence, many talented singers fail to make a name in the music world because they never dare to push their limits. But you will find mediocre singers who seem to be brimming with confidence, and they appear to be achieving beyond their possibilities.
My point is that if you have the talent, you still need to believe in yourself. Believe that you can reach the high notes, and you’re halfway there. Then, give your one hundred percent to achieve your possibilities. A talent that is complemented by the commitment and good training will surely flower in the music stage.
With the growing number of female singers at hand, the competition is getting more challenging among female singers. Moreover, contemporary singers are more often expected to belt high notes with ease. So, if you are an aspiring singer, you will be expected to sing high notes to get noticed.
Moreover, you need to overcome the usual issues hounding a female singer. If you want to overcome these issues, it will help to learn by heart the tips and be cognizant of the problems discussed above that may prevent you from becoming the best you can be as a singer.
Besides, even if you stick to a specific genre or musical style, you will occasionally find yourself singing outside your style and genre. So, it will help to be versatile enough to do a crossover in some instances. With proper training and determination, you can always expand your capability and make a mark in the music industry.