What Is The Chorus Of A Song?

Singer is writing a song in the studio.

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A chorus is a set of repeated sentiments that follow the verse or pre-chorus of any song. The repetitive section remains the same throughout, and most people use it to come up with the title of their songs. A chorus aims to indicate to the listener that the song has reached its climax.

Popular genres of music have one trait in common. They feature a certain kind of charm that stimulates the listener’s consciousness towards playing the song repeatedly. Such types of music include reggae, country music, rock, hip hop, and RnB. Their lyrics are always made of captivating phrases that carry a lot of passion.

Such phrases can be placed anywhere within the song – either at the Chorus, verse, or intro stage. Although doing this is possible, a good number of musicians always spare the best phrases for the chorus section, which also acts as the highlight of the song.

Standard Structure of a Song

Anytime you stream music online or listen to a song over the radio, you will come across many new songs. As you start playing the song, your mind generates some presumptions on its general structure. This is because most musicians stick to a standard layout when writing their songs.

People who listen to certain genres of music often get used to a certain basic structure whenever they come across a new song. In most cases, the song will start with a verse, then a chorus, then the second verse, and back to the Chorus before finishing with a bridge. Each of these sections plays a significant role in ensuring that you enjoy the music. However, some artists choose to do away with certain parts as a way of making their songs unique.

Despite the wide variety of structures used when composing music, the Chorus will always outdo the rest of the sections as it bears the main theme of the song. Besides the bridge, the Chorus is the only section sang repeatedly. It always has enticing words and an alluring tune that is easy to memorize.

Difference Between Chorus & Refrain

There is no clear-cut difference between the Chorus and the refrain of a song. Both refer to repetitive pieces of music and are sometimes used interchangeably. Technically, however, the two terms are totally different. Any section of a song that is not verse is a refrain. A chorus, on the other hand, is that part that appears several times in the structure of the song.

The melody and lyrics of the Chorus remain the same throughout the song. A refrain can be a single word or phrase, while a chorus is a collection of multiple words or phrases. Although a refrain is similar to a chorus in so many ways, it does not have the limit of words to qualify as a chorus.

Both the refrain and Chorus add a stronger sense of emotion to the song. The Chorus may have more voices in the backup to broaden its melody and give it a stronger punch. It carries the main message of the song and is often easy to memorize.

Importance of the Chorus In A Song

The Chorus introduces something new to the song as soon as the verse is done. It kills the familiarity associated with plain music, thus creating variety. This part should be completely different from other parts of the song. It should help the listener get more acquainted with the song.

The Chorus carries the emotional peak of the song. Verses are usually warm and peaceful, but good tension builds up each time people get to the Chorus. For your song to achieve its purpose, you need to ensure that the Chorus has the loudest and highest melody. As you approach the end of the Chorus, slowly release the tension as you get to the next verse, or as you transition to the bridge.

The reason why most people feature the title of the song in the Chorus is that the title gives the listeners a hint on what the song is all about. The main intention of the song can always be discovered at the chorus stage. The title can be repeated at least three times in the Chorus without getting the listener bored.

Factors & Elements That MaKe A Perfect Chorus For A Song

Lyrics of a Chorus

Several components must be put together to ensure that the Chorus becomes a memorable section of the song. One of these components is the lyrics, which refer to the words contained in the song. The lyrics of a song delivers a special message to the listeners by stirring their emotions. In most cases, the words used in the Chorus are just simplified versions of the verse.

The Chorus appears after each verse as identical phrases. Its constant repetition enables the listener to retain the main theme of the song. Most people find it easier to sing along the Chorus than other sections. Though its lyrics may keep changing in the process, the slight differences are really easy to master.

The Pre-Chorus

These are lines of music found right after the verse and before the Chorus. This section is added to a song depending on its genre but is not compulsory. The pre-chorus provides an easy way of transitioning from the verse to the Chorus. As you compose your song, try and sing along to understand how the pre-chorus ushers you into the Chorus.

The lyrics of the pre-chorus also boost the meaning and mood of the verse and prepares the team to get the right melody for the Chorus. Every pre-chorus is often unique, although it may be repetitive like the Chorus.

The emphasis of the Title In The Chorus

The Chorus can appear several times in the song. Its major work is to emphasize the title or hook of the song. In some songs, the title is only mentioned in the chorus section. If you intend to make your title part of the Chorus, ensure that you use flashy words that bring out the exact meaning of the song.

You can also use the title alone as the Chorus by repeating it several times. Doing this brings out the hook of the song very well, and it won’t take long for the listeners to get deep in the song. More emphasis is put on the Chorus because it is the only part that people remember easily.

The Right Melody for the Chorus

For your Chorus to stand out, choose a melody that is entirely different from the verse. Incorporate a pitch and melody that is higher than the rest of the song. When the words, tone, and melody of your song are perfectly selected, you will not struggle to usher your fans to new heights as you get to the climax. You can combine long and short notes to create a better emotional effect.

To boost the melody of your song, ensure that each line of your Chorus doesn’t have too many or too little words. Keep the notes short and rhythmic. As you get to the Chorus, let there be a distinct change that signals the listener that you are going higher. This will help unleash the right mood of the song.

Why Do Songs Have a Chorus?

The Chorus is the single best part whit the song structure to embrace the familiarity of the song despite having the listeners merely listened to the song a few times. It makes the people recalled the whole song in the few seconds of listening to the Chorus.

Furthermore, the Chorus is the emotional core of the song. Most Chorus reaches its emotional high in the Chorus to double-punch the meanings of the song. Thus, the melody of the Chorus is the part of the song that easiest to recall and memorize.

Final Words

There are different methodologies you can use to come up with a winning chorus. Some of the techniques outlined above are ideal for a good start. However, the kind of direction you take completely depends on your preferences.

Whichever method you choose, be sure to make the lines memorable. Use catchy phrases to entice the listeners and help them recall the song easily. If you are just starting in writing choruses, keep practicing. The more you do it, the better you become.

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